The members of KfW Capital's Advisory Board are:
- Renata Bandov: Executive Director, Cash Market and Head of Listings & Regulatory Issuer Services and Obligations - Deutsche Börse AG:
- Timo Bartell: Deputy Head Asset Management RAG-Stiftung
- Dr Patrick Beitel: Partner & Managing Director Yttrium
- Professor Dr Reiner Braun: Professor in Entrepreneurial Finance, Technical University Munich School of Management
- Dr Anna Christmann: Member of the German Bundestag, Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace Policy, BMWK-Commissioner for the Digital Economy and Start-ups
- Filip Dames: Founding Partner Cherry Ventures
- Dr Johannes Fritz: CEO Skion GmbH, Head of Family Office Klatten / Quandt
- Ralph Guenther: Partner, Head of Investor Relations Contintental Europe, Pantheon Ventures
- Professor Dr Andreas Hackethal: Academic Director at Goethe-Unibator
- Andreas Haug: Founding Partner Venture Capital-Fonds Headline, Founder and angel investor in the technology and media sector, member of the Supervisory Board of KfW Capital
- Dr Sabine Hepperle: Head of SME Policy department at Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, member of Supervisory Board of KfW Capital
- Katharina Herrmann: Member of the KfW Group Executive Board
- Ulrike Hinrichs: Managing Director and Member of the Board BVK (German Private Equity and Venture Capital Association)
- Dr Regina Hodits: Managing Partner Wellington Partners
- Dr Klaus Hommels: Senior Managing Partner Lakestar Advisors
- Professor Dr Heike Marita Hölzner: Professor for Entrepreneurship at HTW Berlin, Co-Chair encourageventures e.V.
- Dr Judith Kölzer-Söding: CEO of Sovage GmbH, Member of the supervisory board of KfW Capital
- Ralf Kratzenberg: Senior Portfolio Manager Private Capital Gothaer Asset Management AG
- Christian Miele: President and executive board member at Bundesverband Deutsche Startups
- Felix Oldenburg: CEO project bcause und spokesman gAG
- Sonya Pauls: Legal Counsel, Partner Clifford Chance
- Dr Stefan Peiß: Member of the KfW Group Executive Board, Chief Risk Officer, Deputy Chair of the Supervisory Board of KfW Capital
- Carsten Quitter: Group CIO Allianz SE
- Thies Sander: Founding Partner at Project A Ventures
- Dirk Schmitz: Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock Asset Management AG and Country Head of DACH at Blackrock
- Dr Helder Schnittker: Partner YPOG Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten und Steuerberatern mbB Schnittker + Partner
- Dr Florian Toncar: Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance
- Björn Tremmerie: Head of ICT and BA Investments at European Investment Fund
- Martin Weber: Founding Partner HV Capital
- Dr Eva Wimmer: Director General Financial Markets Policy, Federal Ministry of Finance
- Stefan Wintels: Chief Executive Officer of KfW Group and Chair of Supervisory Board of KfW Capital
- Dr Maximilian Zimmerer: Member of the Supervisory Board of Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft and former member of the Board of Management of Allianz SE, member of the Supervisory Board of KfW Capital