Group photo KfW Capital Team

    The Team of KfW Capital

    The KfW Capital team consists of employees with different experiences, opinions, and skills. KfW Capital has signed the Diversity Charter and promotes an appreciative and inclusive working environment.

    Senior Management and Assistants

    Finances, Portfolio Controlling and Portfolio Management

    Investment Management

    Investor Relations

    Investment Services

    Communications, Sustainability and Business Development

    Legal and Compliance

    IT and Facilities

    HR, Organisation & Sourcing

    Risk Management and Risk Controlling

    Board Office and Corporate Affairs

    Profile photo Wintels, Stefan

    Supervisory Board

    The KfW Capital team consists of VC experts. The business operations are controled by the Supervisory Board; its members can be found here.

     The members of the advisory board of KfW Capital in 2023

    Advisory Board

    In addition, KfW Capital is assisted by an Advisory Board. Its members can be found here.