HR, Organisation & Sourcing

Organisation and Process Manager
Profilbild Becker, Jörg

Jörg Becker

The business graduate (JLU Giessen) and banker has over 20 years of experience and extensive know-how in organizational and process management. He began his professional career at the management consultancy PwC. In 2005, he joined KfW's Internal Consulting department, where he was entrusted with the management and implementation of numerous process and organizational projects. His tasks at KfW included establishing and continuously developing the governance of KfW's central procurement.

HR Manager
Profilbild Hauck, Caroline

Caroline Hartmann

Before joining KfW Capital in July 2021, Caroline Hartmann worked in the HR department in the luxury hotel industry as well as in a company in the Events, Exhibitions and Environ­ments sector in Frankfurt am Main. Caroline studied Business Administration and Business Psychology (B. Sc.) as well as HR Management (M. Sc.) at the Fach­hochschule für Ökonomie und Management (FOM) in Frankfurt am Main while working.

HR Manager

Lorena Kreutz

Lorena completed her studies in economics and business administration at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt. Before joining KfW Capital she worked as a recruitment consultant and was responsible for implemen­tation and optimization of digital employee processes in an inter­national company for personnel services. In March 2023, Lorena started as HR manager at KfW Capital.

Co-Head Operations, IT & HR

Sarah Pietruck

Sarah Pietruck has more than 10 years experience in project and organizational management, which she now contributes to KfW Capital as Co-Head for the team operations, IT & HR. Before joining KfW Capital, Sarah worked for KfW for 8 years as an inhouse consultant as well as in the department “Strategy & Sustainability”. Furthermore, she was a business consultant at EY and also worked for Commerzbank. In 2012, she completed her M.Sc. Finance studies at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

COO, Head of Operations, IT & HR

Thilo Sommer

Before joining KfW Capital, the business management expert and qualified banker headed a team of specialists for procurement, credit and contract management for the regions of eastern and southern Africa at KfW Development Bank. In 2005 he joined KfW’s internal consulting team, where he was responsible for the management and implemen­tation of many organisational projects. Before KfW, Thilo was a management consultant at CSC Ploenzke and Thales Information Systems.